Here As In Heaven
Auteur de la musique: Tasha Cobbs Leonard and Israel Houghton
Paroles lyrics Accords chords. Partition et Tablature pour guitare et piano.
The atmosphere is changing now For the Spirit of the Lord is here The evidence is all around That the Spirit of the Lord is here
Overflow in this place Fill our hearts with your love Your love, surrounds us You’re the reason we came, to encounter your love Your love, surrounds us Spirit of God fall fresh on us We need your presence Your kingdom come, your will be done Here as in heavenCouplet
A miracle can happen now For the Spirit of the Lord is here The evidence is all around That the Spirit of the Lord is here (end)
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Partition et accords de Here As In Heaven de Tasha Cobbs Leonard and Israel Houghton
Les accords de ce chant sont en G
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Here As In Heaven
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